Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Galaxy S4: a first point on its options by the UFC-Que Choisir - PC Inpact

UFC-Que Choisir has released a video of handling the latest high-end smartphone from Samsung: Galaxy S4 (our your folder). The opportunity to return to images on some of its features with the motion recognition.

Our colleagues from the UFC-Que Choisir just put online a video of the first grip of the Samsung Galaxy S4. As a reminder, this spearhead is available from € 629.99 at retail and subsidized way for operators.

It is thus a question of Smart Smart Pause and Scroll, interesting features,

although in practice this does not always seem to work correctly. Galaxy S4 has the same carousel picture than the Galaxy Camera, will add some effects to your photos.

without further delay this video a little more than four minutes:

Sébastien Gavois

Sebastian Gavois

Journalist, never far from an internet connection. Storage specialist in all its forms and decryption of PDF mobile operators.

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