Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tech’spresso: The return of the Galaxy Note, the future of Cardboard and … – Frandroid

You do not have time to follow yesterday? Here are some events that marked Monday, January 8, time to swallow your coffee. The future of virtual reality at Google, the question of reparation for iPhone and the return of Galaxy Note in Europe are the daily menu.

Google Cardboard 2015 (3 of 6)

Google does not intend to stick to Cardboard

Despite the success of this virtual reality helmet entirely of papier-5 million copies were sold, Google does not plan to stick to a simple accessory for smartphones. At the Google I / O in May, it could be stronger than Mountain View reveals its successor, this time “hard” and full of sensors. A competitor to the Samsung Gear VR, really.

No way to repair iPhone anywhere

When in the Android universe, the question of repairability mobile is at the center – think of Fairphone 2 – Apple, the approach is different. Customers of Apple saw their terminal simply blocked for repairs from non-authorized technicians. In case the TouchID shift knob along the screen, causing very understandable security concerns. What is less understood is that these blockages occur without warning, and that the affected phones are exchanged … for 350 euros.

Soon the return of Galaxy Note in Europe?

within two weeks of the Samsung Unpacked Event, canvas shakes naturally. And if the rumors are concentrated mainly on the S7 or Galaxy, the Galaxy Note 6 likely is not far behind. It is currently rumored that the Edge + S6, replacing Note 5 in Europe, not as successful as hoped, and that Samsung does not count repeat that mistake with the Note 6. Answer this summer.

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