Cocorico: Orchestra “SEGA”, led by Pierre Thibout, accompanied by the inevitable Jumpman, returned to the theme from Super Mario Galaxy. The kind of event that ruffles the hair and makes you want to cry. Yes Ma’am
RobinHood, Jumpman and all musicians SEGA’s beautiful gift they give us at the beginning of October, distributing video on YouTube of their masterful interpretation and very successful theme of Super Mario Galaxy.
is a theme composed by Mahito Yokota and Koji Kondo RobinHood that arranged for the purposes of this orchestral adaptation. One can only applaud the work done here, and congratulate all those great children for their participation in a project a little crazy as can be the desire to play with an orchestra
a video game theme.
The opportunity for us to thank each of them: Pierre Thibout conductor, Jumpman on guitar, Peter on clarinet, Françoué piano, violin Yann, Alexis, bass, flute Zgwyrt to Pierre the Oboe, Horn in Estelle, RobinHoodFR on trumpet, the harp Sonia El Gringo drum, timpani Tæbœbœ, Baloo the vibraphone and the triangle Julien!
Super Mario Galaxy, Gusty Garden theme, with “The Sega” orchestra 10/04/2013
Find SEGA on Facebook, as Jumpman (and every week Cast in the PN, of course!). Do not be jealous and note the YouTube Alexis and Zqwyrt chains.
And most importantly, thank you all for allowing us to think that there is, at times, haunting melodies as the theme of Super Mario Galaxy, a classic among classics! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you
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