Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Gear: sufficient for improvements ... - Frandroid

The Galaxy Gear received an update. Samsung is indeed being deployed to an upgrade to the system of Gear should firstly enable the watch to better support third-party applications, and increase its autonomy on the other.

Galaxy-Gear-watch-Samsung-FrAndroid SAM_0146

Samsung Galaxy Gear updates. Watch connected should receive some improvements. And this is already the case for some European models on which the deployment has already been working for a few weeks. Korean, which was presented at the IFA a product well below the level of competing watches, so trying to make a credible product. If Samsung shows and have heard the criticism, is provided sufficient?

notifications for all Android Apps

program this upgrade, we first find all the full support third-party applications for the device. In other words, it is now possible to display notifications on the device from non-developed by Samsung applications. But it is a big improvement for the show since its major flaws came from the very small number of compatible applications. Indeed, in addition to having a catalog of software suitable for very little provided format, shows not allowed to display application notifications popular as Gmail or as other social networks.

notifications integration of all applications not developed by Samsung is a big step for the Galaxy Gear. Users will now be notified directly from their wrist receiving an email on Gmail a message on Facebook Messenger and Hangouts, or a response to a tweet.

However, the catalog developed applications for the device is

not enough. With dozens of software, the Korean shows are still far from 300 “mini apps” developed for the Sony SmartWatch 2.

Note that the Smart Relay feature, which allows you to open applications on your smartphone from its notified Gear elements has also been optimized with this update.

Better autonomy

Another improvement to show respect its autonomy. And again, the Korean automaker is just a priori as the battery 315 mAh was also one of the main drawbacks of the watch. We do not know yet to what extent the improvement is felt to use. However, the update does not suffice either on the ground to make the Gear a credible product to competitors. While Samsung shows offer within two days of autonomy, SmartWatch 2 offers 3-4 days of use after a full charge.

connected segment of the watch is still in its infancy, which means some defects on existing products currently. Products such as Pebble, born of a Kickstarter project (with an e-Ink screen and better battery life), yet are much more promising than the Galaxy Gear, even after this update. As a reminder, the Samsung shows is available for 250 euros.

Last week, Samsung said it had exceeded its expectations in terms of sales, thus contradicting all critics of his watch. In total, the brand says, according to Reuters, having sold 800,000 units in two months.

article was written under the supervision of Master internship Laure Renouard. . I am a journalism student. Initial economic training, I am also very interested in new information technologies and communication.

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