Friday, November 22, 2013

The Samsung Galaxy S5 equipped with an iris scan - CNETFrance

Just like the iPhone 5S and its system of fingerprint recognition, the future Samsung Galaxy S5 could incorporate a biometric identification technology. Instead of a fingerprint sensor, the phone could identify its owner through an iris scanner.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 equipped with an iris scanner

rumors about the future Samsung Galaxy S5 have increased in recent weeks, so it should come out in May. The latest on the integration

technology of iris recognition to the owner of the phone to unlock it. Samsung would be better than the Touch ID that is present on the iPhone 5S and can unlock via a system of fingerprint recognition.


Galaxy S5 is equipped with an iris scanner, however, is only a guess. The only solid lead on the subject comes from the site PatentBolt who found a patent filed by Samsung in the United States, there is a month. It describes a system for iris recognition operating with a sensor capable of determining the distance between the terminal of the eye. When the sensor gets the distance course, the photo sensor takes an image of the eye in order to identify the person.

At the moment, according to the latest leaks on its specifications, the Galaxy S5 should have a 16-megapixel photo sensor, a 64-bit processor and a screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. (EP)

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