Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6: ‘the hardware innovation is not enough “- ZDNet France

As we know, Samsung plays big with the presentation of its new high-end device, the Galaxy S6. Caught between Apple in the high-end Chinese manufacturers in the bottom of the market, the giant has continued to lose feathers in 2014.

At the point of being overtaken by apple Q1 with a conquering iPhone elapsed
  to more than 74 million copies, the same volume
  Samsung (-11.5 million a year) yet with dozens of
 additional references.

There are emergency. Samsung’s annual net profit amounted to 23.400 billion won (18.9
 billion), down 23.2% year on year. The result
 operations decreased by 11.7%, as turnover (-10% to
  206.000 billion won).

So yes, it seems that the South Korean will innovate in design with S6 available in two versions, including a version with Dynamic Edge curved edges. What indeed settle with the existing one.

But the offensive she will be sufficient? “If the primary education of their press event turns out to be hardware innovation, Samsung will continue to suffer this year”, asserts Thomas Husson Forrester. He believes that Samsung “will offer content, software and more compelling services to support users in their mobile times.”

Samsung could leverage mobile payment. The announcement of the buyback LoopPay
  Samsung is seen as a reaction to the ramp
 Apple Pay, included in the latest iPhone. This company
 North American founded in 2012 has developed a system of
 contactless payment for mobile devices backed by a purse

It is quite likely that
 Samsung wish to incorporate this technology directly into its smartphones,
 starting with the next Galaxy S6. Should we see a real competitor to Apple Pay? Not completely.

Then it could S6 embark a new version of its TouchWiz overlay. The manufacturer would in this context decided to do some serious cleaning
 in the pre-installed applications on the Galaxy S6. Samsung
 might as well remove all of its home

applications including
 adoption has somehow never really been waiting for you.

The manufacturer should
  to incorporate, to replace its apps, apps Microsoft,
 including OneNote, OneDrive, Office Mobile or Skype. Samsung would care while differentiating its interface
 compared to other Android smartphone manufacturers but also
  improve the responsiveness of its platform. And it could therefore
 help removing his apps by default.

See also our page
Key Figures: Sales mobile and smartphone


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