Monday, December 23, 2013

Galaxy Gear: dredges watch a little heavy - Le Journal du Geek

It is well known, to speak at his watch impresses women around. It’s a bit convoluted with the message particularly misogynistic hints that Samsung is trying to pass a new spot an anxiety nothing for Galaxy Gear.

Screenshot 2013-12-22 at 16.56.38

budget of $ 12 billion is unfortunately not enough to protect the fail. Samsung has

produced a commercial for the Galaxy Gear aligns clichés like other pearls. Roughly speaking, this is the guy with the watch which will pack the girl. Not very nice for the image of women, nor to that of men: 80 are back …

Obviously, this ad has not been turned by actors for whom English is the first language. It is possible that this is a spot for a specific market, such as South Korea, which reminds this spot for an SSD, still Samsung, which had been much talk for its tackiness and degraded image of women it conveyed.

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