Samsung is preparing to release a new version of its Galaxy S4 mini. He will join visibly editions Flower Korean as of January 2014.
In addition to regularly offer new colors with existing terminals, Samsung does not hesitate to use traditional methods when it comes to seduce the female. Kick flowers, it works every time. Whether in a bouquet or drawn on a smartphone, obviously, since Samsung continues with its editions Flower. The next to join the Galaxy S4 will be quick.
in time for next Valentine’s DayGalaxy S4 Mini Flower and walk in the footsteps of the Galaxy S III Flower, released in the month of January. No significant change within only a floral print design distinguishes it from its peers which he also uses the Red Aurora colors to complete the
- Super AMOLED 4.3 inch screen, a resolution qHD 940 x 560 pixels
- chipset dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400, clocked at 1.7 GHz
- 1.5 GB of memory (RAM)
- 8 GB of internal memory + microSD slot
- 8 megapixel camera sensor
- Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean + user interface TouchWiz Nature UX 2.0
- 1900 mAh battery
- 8.94 mm 107 g
124.6 x 61.3 x
SammyHub , the Galaxy S4 mini Flower should be marketed in January 2014, in time for Valentine’s Day. Certainly, the price of 417 euros is tipped slightly below that of the classic bouquet of flowers, but this is probably a little more original gift …
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