Monday, December 16, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S5 to a presentation at MWC 2014? - Fredzone

Samsung Galaxy S5 has a lot of talk over the past few weeks and if we have a fairly clear idea of ??its general profile and thus its specifications techniques, there is still an issue that remains unresolved: the date of the announcement. On this point, everyone is not the same thing. Korean branch Zdnet in any case seems determined to get everyone to agree since the site has published a very interesting article in which we learn that the first qHD smartphone produced by Samsung will be presented on the occasion … MWC 2014 . And yes, there is a good chance whether the Galaxy S5.

Currently, all high-end smartphones incorporate a screen capable of displaying a type Full HD 1080p 1920 × 1080 either. This is a standard intended to evolve. And indeed, Samsung working on the subject for a while now. And the next step, it is therefore the qHD screens.

Introducing Samsung Galaxy S5 MWC 2014
-caption-text "> The Samsung Galaxy S5 Presentation is very likely to be presented during the MWC 2014.

Behind this term barbarian hiding in reality displays with a resolution like 2560 × 1440. For comparison, this is the resolution of my 27-inch iMac, except that we’re talking about screen sizes is rather around 5 inches. It’s very impressive, of course. Or just to take a step ahead of its competitors, Samsung is considering presenting the first with a qHD screen during the Mobile World Congress 2014, between 24 and 27 February next smartphone.

The question is of course to know what will be the famous smartphone. The answer seems fairly obvious, it is inevitably the Samsung Galaxy S5, and therefore the next Samsung flagship. Apart from this record definition, it could also include a Exynos processor 64-bit or possibly a 800/805 Snapdragon. All 3GB RAM behind, and storage space varies depending on the model.

class=”c3″> And indeed, if we are to believe the latest rumors to date, the Samsung Galaxy S5 could be divided into two ranges


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