This is a good plan for those looking for a 4G compatible smartphone just 100 euros! This is the Core 4G Galaxy which is currently on sale on the site Rue du Commerce with a price of € 129.98, tucking promo code RENTREE4 just before validate your order
- Screen . LCD 4.5 inch qHD 960 x 540 pixels (245 dpi)
- Processor : dual-core Snapdragon 1.2 GHz 400
- OS : Android 4.2 .2 Jelly Bean
- Camera : 5 megapixels
- Storage : 8GB
- Slot microSD : yes
- FM Radio: yes
- Battery : 2100 mAh
- Connectivity : WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, 3G, 3G +, H +, 4G LTE
At this instant discount plus a refund offer Samsung worth € 30 if you buy a Core 4G Galaxy between July 1 and September 30, 2014 All details for a
refund can be found at this address. <-! ************************************** ***************************************** -> <-! ** ************************************************** ************************************* -> 

Once all deducted offers you get the Core Galaxy 4G 99.98 € . Delivery of phone MarketPlace start on September 2.
Click here to order the Galaxy Core 4G 99.98 €
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