Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Samsung unveils new design for smartphones Galaxy – Le Figaro

The Galaxy Alpha, presented on Wednesday, inaugurated a new thinner design and metal. The output of this smartphone a few days before the announcement of the Apple iPhone 6.

Samsung takes no holiday. In the middle of August, the South Korean Wednesday presented a new high-end smartphone, the Galaxy Alpha, which inaugurates a new design in the Galaxy range.

Since the passage of the Galaxy S2 to S3 in 2012, Samsung has changed the appearance of its smartphones at the margin. South Korea has remained faithful to the plastic shells, a material which has the advantage of being resistant and less expensive to produce. This consistency has allowed him to create a range of smartphones and tablets recognizable at first glance.

With the launch of the Galaxy S4 last year, and even the arrival of the S5 early this year, the Samsung smartphone design began to be criticized supported. The high-end smartphones from Samsung suffer from a seemingly good market in the face of equivalent products from HTC, LG, Sony and Apple. The discussions around the design of Samsung peaked in May when the head of design at Samsung Electronics was replaced by his deputy.

The Galaxy Alpha marks a first break with the habits of Samsung. This smartphone, more angular than S5, abandons all plastic in favor of metal strapping, as found on the iPhone 5 Galaxy Alpha measures only 6.7 millimeters thick, against 8 1 millètres for S5. It is also lighter, with 115 grams on the scale. However, Samsung remains faithful to plastic. The back of the Galaxy Alpha is similar to the S5. The front does not change either


The colors of Samsung Alpha

<. p> The Galaxy Alpha further out from S5 by its technical characteristics. Samsung returns some of its race big screens, passing a diagonal of 4.7 inches, 5.1 inches against the S5. The format approaches that announced for the Apple iPhone 6. The resolution is lower (720p instead of full HD). The battery is lower capacity, the camera 12 megapixels instead of 16 The first performance tests that circulate rather are state higher than the S5 Galaxy and HTC One M8 results.

The Galaxy Alpha will be marketed from September, in black, white, gold, silver and blue. Samsung announces price without plan of 599 euros against 679 euros for the S5 was released in April. The Galaxy Note 4, which will be announced Wednesday, September 3 at the opening of the Berlin electronics fair IFA, should adopt a similar design. The season will be particularly busy, since Apple will announce its iPhone 6 September 9

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