Wednesday, August 13, 2014

James Gunn talks about Guardians of the Galaxy 2 –

Please note that this interview contains no spoilers on Guardians of the Galaxy, but some elements of the response of the director gives some clues (minimal) on the screenplay! Come back Wednesday night

James Gunn transpires passion for the world of Guardians of the Galaxy and while his first copy on behalf of Marvel Studios arrive in French theaters Wednesday (tomorrow and a preview for the lucky ones), the American director could not help but start to floor on the second episode.

Asked by , the man with neatly combed peaks has also started giving the first details on its story and characters that were likely to be more on the screen that in the first game.

“I really where I want to go with Guardians 2 I know a lot of story ideas and I know which characters will appear. There has also written documents, held by some people, the father of Peter Quill and their relationship but also a lot about Yondu and Drax that nobody knows yet. [...] Some of

these details are part of a film plane that already exists, not to mention items about the different cultures in the galaxy. There is information on crops Xandariennes and Kree I have written or are in my head, but the Kryloriens and Pests . [...] I think Yondu is a really important person in this world, like Nebula so I think we’ll see many more of these characters. “

So this is a very busy that we should appreciate July 28, 2017 in theaters program


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