Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A fingerprint reader on the Galaxy S6 improved? (Video) – 01net

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At the end of S5 Samsung Galaxy, we did not fail to point out the poor quality of the fingerprint reader that is used to unlock the phone. Obligation to slide the finger print recognition bad in certain positions, etc.

Fortunately, good news, the Galaxy S6, to be officially unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in early March, should correct this big flaw.

According to the website SamMobile the S6 will have a new type of sensor “touch” as the iPhone 5S, 6 and 6 or More Huawei Ascend Mate 7. No need, then, to drag his
finger, simply ask the top

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Expanded button

The button “home” Galaxy S5 too small to incorporate a “touch” type of sensor. The future high-end smartphone from Samsung could be with a slightly wider home button to correct this defect.

In any case, recall that a fingerprint sensor a smarpthone provides no additional security, since the device can always be unlocked with a code. This is just a shortcut to facilitate the daily use.


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