Wednesday, January 7, 2015

CES 2015: Sony Xperia and Galaxy S6 Z4 presented in secret … – Phonandroid

As you can see, Sony has not submitted any new mobile at the CES 2015 but only a new Walkman will be offered more than $ 1,000 and a metal version of its Smartwatch 3. However, according Ricciolo, leaker usually quite knowledgeable about the products of Japanese, Sony Xperia Z4 have been presented to private operators in the living room.

But that’s not all because the tweet also confirms a rumor from the beginning of the week, the Samsung Galaxy S6 would also have been a private presentation to AT & operators T Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile USA at CES 2015.

Given the non-disclosure agreements between manufacturers and their partners, there is little chance of seeing fuiter any new information concerning the Sony Xperia Z4 or Galaxy S6 before their formal presentations, however, one is never immune to an indiscretion more.

Note that this n is not the first time that manufacturers use this practice because last year, Samsung would also unveiled its Galaxy S5 to its investors and partners as well as private operators at CES 2014 Nevertheless, it was not until the last hours before the official launch at MWC Barcelona

get to see the first photo of the stolen device.

According to the latest rumors, the Sony Xperia Z4 would be accompanied a Compact Z4, Z4 an Ultra and a Z4 Xperia Tablet Ultra tablet. The four terminals are equipped with the latest Snapdragon processor 810 Qualcomm that should be included on most high-end 2015.


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