Sold around € 650 usual, Note 4, the last Phablet Samsung, is found to 600 € at Price Minister and teaches even adds € 180 in vouchers to spend on his shop after ordering.
Galaxy Note 4 is the latest in the world of large Samsung phones. It has a 5.7-inch AMOLED display (14.5 cm) of a definition of 2560 x 1440 px. Processor side, 805 Snapdragon chip clocked at 2.7 GHz which propels the beast, backed by 3GB of RAM. Its 3220 mAh battery and 32GB of memory make it an ideal companion for entertainment. In terms of software, the phone will soon go under version 5.0 of Android (Lollipop) always with the overcoat TouchWizz the South Korean manufacturer.
Price Minister offer up the phone at 600 €, but the dea ler its customers to benefit from several discounts offers. First, with the code “HIGH-TECH “, the store offers 15 € discount to all new phone buyers, tablet, computer equipment. The phone will be up to € 585 in cash, but that’s not all: Wednesday 18 am
Be careful though, the offer comes from a third dealer, vip-movil, located in Spain. No particular problem appears to have been met by buyers, apart from a delivery time a bit long. To keep in mind nonetheless.
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