Thursday, May 12, 2016

Galaxy S7, sales driven by a good product and great … – iGeneration

Galaxy S7, sales driven by a good product and great specials

Innocente Florian | | 7:30 p.m. | 21

The success of the first sales of Galaxy S7 is explained by good chemistry between features stick to the expectations of customers and unbeatable promotions campaign , observes Katar Worldpanel Comtech.

Marketed since the beginning of March, the S7 and S7 Edge found their audience. This does not foreshadow sales over the next 12 months, but the initial results are clearly positive for Samsung. Research firm houses the S7 fifth in sales in the US for the first quarter, on the short time it was available. The S6 was only 10th last year shortly after its launch.

by probing these customers, it emerged that their first purchase motivation was the autonomy offered (not much better than the S6 but the battery is still larger and faster recharge it), then the quality of the camera, followed by storage and finally the processor performance. A cocktail which both S7 and S7 models Edge were present each time, as shown by the different tests.

But this beautiful technical personable not alone explains the attraction to this new collection. Samsung released the big game with its partners to support this market. Kantar cites several examples, such as AT & operators T and T-Mobile, which gave a second S7 for buying a first or at the opening of a new line. AT & T also had in his bag a free Samsung TV 48 cm in exchange for S7 and a subscription to its TV customers

The Best Buy chain graciously added a Gear VR headset with six games while free as well as a microSD card of 64 GB for the purchase of an S7. Need more? For S7 purchased with a telephone subscription, the Costco chain slipped into your cart Samsung 32-inch 720p TV, a $ 25 gift card and a removable battery.

A good solid phone and promotions to whet demand, that should make the S7 the best selling smartphone in the US early this year, says Kantar. What may install to the 6s, that the Galaxy S6 was able to face the new iPhone 6.

latest records iGeneration

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