Monday, May 23, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 6: 6 GB of RAM to specify a bit – Frandroid

The Samsung Galaxy Note 6 could embark a RAM chip 6GB, engraved in 10nm, the builder who experienced this weekend.

samsung-galaxy-note-5-s6-edge +

Here’s a few weeks now that we speak of a Samsung Galaxy Note 6, and rumors lend it a muscular specifications Mobile large format -. 5.8 inches likely – should indeed be equipped with a Snapdragon processor 823, but also no less than 6 GB of RAM a quantity that is confirmed a little more today, after Samsung’s speech at a moving event. in China.

in fact, Samsung introduced a 6GB RAM LPDDR4 memory chip. Not only that sticks to the first rumors about the Note 6, but this chip

is also engraved in 10nm. this etching process should enable mobile boarding concerned more memory, but also to better manage energy consumption and heating.

but should we really expect to see the Note 6? hard to say, although some optimists think it will be the first smartphone to integrate. Earlier this year, it was explained that in the 10nm etching process should not be allowed to see the first commercial chips by the end of 2016 or early 2017.

coinciding evil with release dates given for the Note 6. While the Note series was usually presented in September, and after an absence of output Note 5 last year in Europe, the range could be unveiled in August .


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