Friday, September 26, 2014

Coupon on the Samsung Galaxy Alpha in Webdistrib – Mensquare

Available since early September in France, the Samsung Galaxy Alpha is in the promo Webdistrib dealer. All details are to regain below.

Presentation of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha

Samsung Galaxy Alpha is the inauguration of a new range in the South Korean manufacturer. A smartphone with a metal hull. Has Finally we want to say after the virulent criticism of the design and the plastic shell of the Samsung Galaxy S5. The Samsung Galaxy Alpha features a 4.7-inch screen, a thickness of 6.7 mm and weighs 114 grams. One feels a desire to respond to criticism Samsung and approach the Android competition with its range of Sony Xperia Z, HTC One (M8) or the LG G3. Three smartphones which finishes are impeccable. In the background, of course Samsung wants to come tickle the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The terminal offers 32 GB of storage, compatibility with 4G + networks and two colors (gold and silver). Obviously, Samsung “recycle” its hardware and software technologies. We thus find the health enforcement S Health.

Prices down in Webdistrib

The price of the smartphone without a subscription is around 649 euros. A high yes but you can get a good deal in his promo Webdistrib with the time that is available in two versions prices.

But before that, know that the phone is available in two colors (gold and

silver) for a price of 638.60 euros. You can adjust this amount at 4x with monthly payments of 159.65 euros or ten interest free monthly payments for 63.86 euros.

Now back to promotions Webdistrib practiced for Samsung Galaxy Alpha. We identified two:

  • The first is the phone itself. You can enjoy an offer to pay 70 euros from Samsung. Offer valid until 30 November ( all the details here ). Add to that a 10 Euro discount with the code CASH10 .
  • The second promotion is a pack between the Samsung Galaxy Alpha and bluetooth speaker JBL Charge 2 in black. The starting price of this package is $ 739.99 USD. Price that must be removed 70 euros rebate Samsung and 20 euros with the code REMISE20 . The final package price comes down to 649.99 euros.

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