Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: a manufacturing defect on the BMO 1st units? – The Digital

A problem of space between the screen and the aluminum edge of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 has somewhat tarnished the first steps of the smartphone. The manufacturer wanted to respond quickly to the beginning of the controversy … in his own way.
While the case of “Bendgate” just starting to calm down a bit, it’s time another major product of this year end to report a build quality that could be faulty: the Galaxy Note 4 Among the first units delivered, some were unpleasantly surprised to find that there was a space between the edge of the screen and the outline surrounding the aluminum phone. Of course, we are not talking here of an abyss. But the space in question is large enough to allow a card. Fortunately for the Korean manufacturer, only a few models seem bad at the moment, the others being fully assembled, without the space between the display and the contour.
However, the statement sent by Samsung Trusted Reviews in the wake of the first reports reveals far more amazing. It reads:

The reported problem does not

affect the functionality or quality of the Galaxy Note 4 We assure our users that all Galaxy Note 4 met our strict standards for manufacturing and quality control. “

Samsung therefore not deny the existence of this problem, but seems to invite users have found to be satisfied. Not sure that this answer satisfies those who come to pay nearly $ 1000 for being among the first to own a Note 4



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