Tuesday, September 9, 2014

iPhone 6: Galaxy S5 less than 450 euros on the web! – 01net

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This is LA Daily Deals: The Samsung Galaxy S5 very good with 34% discount! While we are only a few hours of Apple ads, and thus the official presentation of the new iPhone 6, some sites online sales benefit to speak of them with big discounts. Some show specials and up to 200 euros off, which positions the Galaxy S5 450 euros instead of 650 € in normal times. A significant discount due to the addition of rebate offers shopping sites online and an offer to pay Samsung an amount of 70 euros. Three sites stand
Note that the LG G3 is also subject to similar discounts with some traders

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Rueducommerce, offering in its newsletter the Galaxy S5 to 449 euros!. The operation is done in two stages: an online purchase charged 549 euros, then a refund of € 70 by Samsung after processing and validation supporting it will take them forward.

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Pixmania.com offers the Galaxy S5 to 459 euros for the black model and 460 euros for white, without the need to send proof of purchase

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The site eGlobal Central – least known – offers the S5 to 443 euros, without even mentioning the discount applied 70 euros after buying Samsung

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