Friday, September 12, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: Analyst expects 11 million sales … –


Each launch of a new Galaxy Note has so far been followed by a new sales record for the range. The latest model may be an exception to believe the estimates of a Korean analyst.

The range of Samsung Note progressing a little more each year. A month after its launch, 5 million Galaxy Note 3 had been sold worldwide. That’s two million more than for the Galaxy Note 2 over the same period. Everyone now has his eyes on the Galaxy Note 4 récemmment formalized in Berlin . It is not expected on the market before October, but the odds are already underway

Samsung Galaxy Note 4

No new record for the Galaxy Note 4

Yonhap News relays estimates of a Korean analyst at Hyundai Securities. According to him, the new high-end Samsung phablette should drain some 11 million copies by the end of year, a similar

score in the Galaxy Note 3 A little disappointing in view of the many improvements Galaxy Note 4, some long overdue as the most qualitative design or optical stabilization photo.

1 million in sales for the Galaxy Note Edge

The Galaxy Note Edge, presented with the Galaxy Note 4 , has obviously not been forgotten. The same analyst expects 1 million sales over the same period. It’s not much but it can be explained quite easily. Before you even think about the reception he will book consumers, it must be remembered that production capacity should be limited because of its two-sided screen. It is therefore not intended to become an alcoholic product, but rather a showcase for Samsung.

Obviously, these are only estimates. It will take at least a few weeks after launch for a first assessment, then these figures should be refined.


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