The right of the & # XE9; notch Galaxy Note Edge is tactile, incurv & # XE9 e and customizable.
The right of the screen Galaxy Note Edge is tactile, curved and customizable .dropoff window – CHRISTOPHE SEFRIN / 20 MINUTES

Christophe SEFRIN

. The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is launched in France for the holidays.

. This smartphone / upscale Phablet is distinguished by a screen of a new kind.

. Curved to the right, it provides quick access to a set of functions.

Reinventing the wheel? Possible Samsung! Phablet 5.6 ” / 14.22 cm Galaxy Note Edge is a unique model of its kind that has a curved screen. But nothing in common with the LG Flex was fully rounded. On board lost its right edge, the Samsung device appears with a slab curve to one side. This is actually a second screen working in harmony with the former. Its mission? It is plural

One way kit screen tools

After this first screen. Function: used as bookmarks bar. We can customize the touch area with icons. We can choose to display notifications or RSS feeds. And read quietly in a meeting a received SMS is not complicated: the text is displayed unobtrusively as scrolling banner! Other