Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Samsung Galaxy Note is available Edge – LesMobiles.com


The Phablet with curved screen on the side gradually emerged among operators. The first is chopping SFR which offers 280 euros (ODR and 24-month). A price well below the 850 euros charged by the official store of the Korean manufacturer.

Samsung has long asked whether he should launch its world-Edge Note. Superb technical prowess and ergonomic, curved cousin of Galaxy Note 4 officially arrives in France in December, as was indicated by the local subsidiary there two weeks. And it starts to be referenced in some operators in addition to the manufacturer’s official store. Within the latter, the Galaxy Note Edge is sold 849 euros excluding postage, black or white. There is marked in stock and can be delivered now. If you head through a small grain of madness, this is a good opportunity to test the financial health of your bank card a few weeks before Christmas …

Soon Available at Orange

The other will be delighted to learn that the Edge Note should also be proposed by French operators with grant BFF and 24-month commitment to a more or less expensive package .dropoff window Orange has not yet published the price it will offer the smartphone with its Origami Jet, Play and Zen, but for comparison, note that the Note 4 is sold from 130 euros (100 euros ODR) while her nude price is 750 euros. Because the Edge is marketed Note 100 euros more expensive, we plan without taking too much risk that the first

subsidized price of the curved screen Phablet will approach 250 euros.

Note Edge

From 270 euros SFR

At SFR, no need to ask the question since the mobile is for pre-order in black only. His first price is set at 280 euros after applying a ODR 200 euros. To offer you the Edge Note at this price, you must of course take out a subscription with SFR. And not just any since it is the Square Square 16GB or 12GB. The Phablet passes 380 euros with 8 GB Square (ODR is simply divided by two). Square with 5 GB, there is more than RDAs. The price of the smartphone then passes 570 euros with a 3 GB Square and over 600 euros with postpaid packages less expensive. Nu, the mobile is offered at 860 euros.

At the time of writing, the Galaxy Note Edge is not present in Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile catalogs or at major alternative operators (NRJ Mobile, Virgin Mobile). However, the few commercial sites offer pre-order (delivery between December 3 and December 15): Amazon, RueduCommerce, Fnac or TopAchat. Price is usually the same as Samsung.


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