Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Samsung Galaxy A3 and A5 are sold in the United States – Frandroid

Galaxy Galaxy A3 and A3 just been referenced by the US site Expansys. It is possible to buy the little brothers of Alpha Galaxy respectively 329 and 409 dollars

 Galaxy Galaxy A3 A5 Expansys

The Galaxy A3 and A5 Galaxy have finally crossed the borders of Asia! Indeed, the two terminals were only offered for sale in China and Taiwan. Now, two little brothers of Alpha Galaxy which take design are marketed in the United States on the site Expansys. You can buy the Galaxy A3 (4.5 inches) to 329.99 dollars while the Galaxy A5 (5 inches) is proposed to 409.99 dollars. The prices are lower than what the rumors were advancing. To recap, the Galaxy A5 should be marketed in South Korea in the month of January while the Galaxy A3 is expected to arrive in January in Europe. Samsung had also confirmed that these two midrange terminals would well up in Europe in the first quarter 2015.

For those who have never heard of these two smartphones, remember they are based on the chassis for extra fine metal (between 6.7 and

6.9 mm depending on model) Galaxy Alpha with aluminum edges and a plastic shell . Components, however, are down compared to their older brother since they are mid-range devices unpretentious side characteristics. For example, the Galaxy A3 and A5 abandon the Exynos 5430 Galaxy Alpha in favor of a Snapdragon 410, far less efficient. two smartphones are more for people putting forward the design to the power of the terminal.

Besides, if you believe the rumors, the Galaxy A5 should replace by the end of February the Galaxy Alpha . The production of the latter would be stopped to facilitate the arrival of the little one on the market, sold much cheaper. At least since starting price has seen the price of Galaxy Alpha has only to drop since its launch last September.


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