Monday, December 22, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Test: a curved screen, but what … – 01net

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The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge was unveiled at the IFA in Berlin at the same time as the Galaxy Note 4, and no one really expected. Both devices are the same technique quenching, but the former is distinguished by the presence of a curved screen on the right edge. Apart from this amazing screen, the differences are few. Edge Rating is wider almost 4 mm, very slightly thicker, and a shorter peel. Its display, despite its larger size (16:10), a smaller diagonal of 0.1 inches. And its battery is less generous (3000 mAh against 3220 mAh for Note 4). For the rest, these two phablettes integrate components and completely identical functions. Our question is even simpler: the curved screen Edge Note he adds value to justify its high price

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 Galaxy Note 4 to the left, Galaxy Note Edge right.

© Lionel Morillon

Galaxy Note 4 to the left, Galaxy Note Edge right.

With the Edge Note, Samsung brings the same high-end finishes than the Note 4. strapping metal, removable back cover imitation leather plastic. As was the case with the Note 4, the white version of our less successful terms as the black version. However, the system, the pen and the various camera functions offer exactly the same feeling: excellent in every way

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Edge Galaxy Note at the top. Note 4 below.

© Lionel Morillon

Edge Galaxy Note at the top. Note 4 below


This is fluid , very responsive, with a heavy overlay Samsung, but pleasant to use and very ergonomic. The camera captures photos and identical quality video in direct competition with those of the iPhone 6 Plus. The issue of Edge Note is that it is impossible to use with one hand, even with the manner provided by Samsung (miniaturized interface on one side). It is wider, and it will therefore imperative to use both hands, especially as the Power button is at the top of the device, which is less convenient


 The right side  's screen Galaxy Note Edge slightly overlaps the bend.

© Lionel Morillon

The right side of the screen Galaxy Note Edge slightly overlaps

the bend.

A very special dual screen

As usual since the Galaxy S5 and Note 4: the AMOLED screen of the Galaxy Note Edge near perfection. Its high definition is quite sufficient, viewing angles are very wide, the colors very well controlled (and very faithful in basic mode), blacks are perfect … In short, what further confirm the superiority of these screens on the other LCD technology

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The screen of the Galaxy Note 5.6-inch Edge made diagonal, against 5.7 inches in the Note 4. It is wider, but shorter. It is, in fact, consists of a main screen with a definition of 2560 x 1440 pixels, and a second curved AMOLED display 2560 x 160 pixels. The join between the two slabs is completely invisible, which is a real achievement! In use, the two screens are one as the main screen “encroaching” on the second screen in most cases, to provide a broader definition of 2560 x 1532 pixels


 In profile  's curved screen is not seen so much.

© Lionel Morillon

In profile, the curved screen is not seen so much.

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Curvature useful, but poorly exploited

First remark <- - / imageVentrale block!>: When holding the unit with one hand, fingers protruding on the edge of the curved screen do not activate touch the touch. A well thought out carefully, which requires well put your finger in the middle of the curvature to control the curved screen.

The second screen has some “panels” optimized that can scroll news, the most popular topics Twitter, the weather or even a clock, simply. But ultimately, it is when using a full-screen application that this extra space seemed to us the most. It then displays its notifications in real time, and make information about other applications without having to leave his main app. The problem is that Samsung has not really thought about it like this: the notifications do not stay long enough, and it is not possible to click to learn more. Similarly, when the Android notification panel disappears behind a full-screen application, it would be useful to see on the curved screen, with information about the charge level of the battery, time, notifications etc. In short, the real utility of this curved screen remains to be seen, but the potential is there

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As powerful, less patient

The unit logically provides the same power as that of the Note 4. The main interface is spread over a slightly higher definition, 3D performance is slightly lower, but the difference is negligible in practice in video games. The real difference is the lower of its battery capacity compared to that of the Note 4. The battery life is logically lower in our test versatility: approximately 1 hour 30 minutes less, ie, is much. Endurance voice call (off screen) remains the same. In practice, the Note Edge smartphone remains a rather tough, since it takes more than a day in normal use

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 Edge Note from The battery is smaller than the Note 4.

© Lionel Morillon

Note the Edge battery is smaller than that of Note 4.

Finally, we must consider the Galaxy Note as an Edge Galaxy Note 4 which would have grafted a curved screen. It’s just a little less patient on battery power. Nothing serious, but its price 850 € instead encourages us to consider it more as a technology demonstration reserved for the wealthy enthusiasts. Others are content largely Note 4, one of the very best smartphones of the moment



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