Friday, July 15, 2016

7 iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S9, HTC Desire … 10 Best … – meltyStyle

The designers put the package to offer more attractive concepts as each other. Failure to know the actual design of future smartphones, you can admire sometimes rendered credible, and other times more distant from reality. Giorgi Tedoradze accustomed concepts, has designed what will be the future iPhone 7. The smartphone with a picture of the exposure model would have leaked already been the subject of many rumors. The design is exactly. As you can see, the design of the iPhone 7 is very similar to that of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s with curves extremely light. Tedoradze also declined its creation in several colors to stick closer to his ideal vision of the next Apple smartphone.

iPhone 7, 7 more iPhone, iPad, iPhone 6,  iPhone 6 plus, Mac, Macbook, Apple, smartphone
unveiled smartphones Concepts

the second concept is that of a competitor to the iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S9. Unveiled the Concept-phones site, it has a sleek, stylish design. He imagines a smartphone running Android Oreo, all coupled with a 4K display. Side camera, we see equally great with a capacity of 21 megapixel rear and 13-megapixel front. What make beautiful selfies to share on Instagram or Snapchat way Karim Benzema.

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unveiled smartphones Concepts

the latest leak of the HTC Desire 10 is probably a fake, and therefore a concept rather than a true picture. Only the back of the smartphone appears, and yet one can not help but appreciate this visual. With his big rear camera and rounded edges, the HTC Desire is 10 in sobriety. If the technical performance follow, it’s a safe bet that this smartphone will find its place on the market. What do you think of these visual smartphones?

10 HTC Desire, HTC, Android, Smartphone,  concept phone
unveiled smartphones Concepts


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