Sunday, July 10, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7: Back on the King of the success of smartphones … – meltyStyle

The king is back. We are not talking here of Burger King but Samsung and its Galaxy S7. Presented at the opening of Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona there are five months, we can say with confidence today: the Samsung Galaxy S7 is a phenomenal success, with no competition on price in its range Android smartphones. With its waterproof design glass, its screen curved edges or its technical characteristics that make it more than a dream, the Samsung Galaxy S7, you can even rent, is the best Android smartphone market. And consumers are not mistaken, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and sells whole crate, offering the same luxury to compete with its great enemy the iPhone 6s – although few sales figures were leaked. meltyStyle Chronic geek back on the phenomenal success of the Samsung Galaxy S7.

What the Samsung Galaxy S7 feels good Samsung! There are still a few months, investors, analysts and even journalist worried for Samsung accounts which saw its smartphone sales melt like snow in the sun. With the S5 and S6, Samsung did not seem to compete with the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and large displays made in Apple and the Chinese manufacturers that had just landed on the Western market with smartphones to quality ratio unbeatable price. The South Korean manufacturer had even given way to biggest seller of smartphones, his enemy, Apple. But with the Samsung Galaxy S7, this is more than ancient history. By selling well, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and its variations, such as S7 Active who has trouble with water, bailing out Samsung funds, and gives a mouthful of fresh air to the constructor.

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Difficult to stay in this beautiful design

It should be said that Samsung has made a small feat with the Samsung Galaxy S7. The brand with the three star has decided to position its smartphone in the high end, as evidenced by its sleek glass design, abandoning the plastic. Very competitive segment, the Samsung Galaxy S7 has become the reference of the high-end smartphone with a green robot, ringardisant its competitors like HTC and LG G5 10 who are struggling to find buyers. Indeed, today, any smartphone over 700 € happens to sell well, apart from the iPhone 6s (and 6s Plus) and therefore the Samsung Galaxy S7. With the Samsung Galaxy S8 is being prepared, Samsung could also provide sales figures similar to those of the next iPhone 7. You’ve also bought a?


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