Monday, July 4, 2016

Galaxy S7 Edge Olympic Edition revelation July 7? – Le Journal du Geek

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Samsung wants to use the Olympics to promote its Galaxy S7 Edge. the builder has put the dishes in large with a special edition of the smartphone.

the Galaxy S7 Edge Olympic edition will product to a limited number, which will salute as it should the Olympics taking place this year in Rio. While the Olympics begin August 5th, we are only a few days of the presentation of this special edition smartphone. a teaser posted on the Facebook page Samsung Germany advises indeed be “GE7 Ready”, with a link to a special page on the Olympics.

the video ends with a date, . July 7 blood will not lie: it is likely that Samsung will open the box of the Galaxy Edge Special S7 Olympics date this model should not offer new components, but it would gain a black rather class finish..




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