Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Here is the Galaxy J2, the first phone from Samsung to benefit … – Frandroid

After two weeks of rumors about Smart Glow, a Samsung feature to replace the notification LED on a phone, here is the first smartphone to benefit just appeared in the picture canvas, the Galaxy J2. The opportunity to actually see what will actually look like Smart Glow.

 j2 smart galaxy glow leak

remember quickly the principle of Smart Glow. With this new feature, Samsung intends to review the operation of the notification LED. Once placed on the cover of the phone, Samsung uses here a “ring” LED located around the dorsal photo sensor to indicate various things to the user. If one believes the first rumors, this LED is capable of indicating to the user, for example, if his face is framed for a selfie made with the rear sensor. More concretely, it will also indicate a low battery level of the phone or the presence of a notification or message, adopting various colors.

As Smart Glow, one had yet that simple sketches and we just knew that the feature would come in first on the Galaxy J2. Today, these are the first pictures of the phone that just appeared on the web, thanks to an informant site SamMobile. Mention may in particular see the back of the camera and the LED-ring which surrounds the photo sensor of the device. This ring seems not replace the flash photo sensor located on the left of the sensor

class="size-large wp-image-366942 aligncenter" height=" 562 " sizes=" (max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px " src="" srcset=" http: // 1000w, -galaxy-j2-leak-630x354.jpg 630W, 768w, http: // pictures / wp-content / uploads / 2016/07 / samsunng-galaxy-j2-leak.jpg 1054w " width=" 1000 ">

If we finally except the grooves on the hull of the Galaxy J2, the Samsung smartphone looks like any other entry-phone of the Korean brand. We feel very clearly that this Galaxy J2 is present for testing public attitudes to this strange LED notification back. Perhaps before a more ambitious integration 32Upon smartphones like the Galaxy S8? Answer next year.


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