Sunday, October 5, 2014

LG G3 and Galaxy S5: the most attractive offers Web – Six News

LG G3 and the Galaxy S5 could find new companions as the most attractive of the Web has been shared supply.

 LG G3


The LG G3 is generally preferred over the More iPhone 6, because the image quality is optimized. This 4G smartphone offers a 5.5-inch slab, a quad core processor clocked at 2.5 GHz and photo enthusiasts will be delighted with a 13 megapixel sensor. In parallel, the manufacturer would offer a 5.9-inch phablette called LG G3 Pro and it should be equipped with an LG Odin processor while most Smartphones offer 805 Snapdragon Unlike LG G3, it would be equipped with quad-core Cortex A7 and clocked at 1.7 GHz.

Before G3 Pro LG, the LG G3 discount

Until the release of this new model, the LG G3 is the heart of the offers the most attractive of the Web. The Smartphone is sold 415 euros with a promotion of 11%. However, under the SuperSemaine, you can save more money by going here and using the code RAKUTEN-RSS0510D in order to obtain a reduction of 25 euros. The coupon is valid for a single order for 160 euros and to enjoy it, users have until midnight on October 5.

After LG G3, here is the Galaxy S5 cheaply

It is possible to get a discount for the Galaxy Samsung S5. The latter already has reduced and is offered at 339 euros. However, with the code and visiting here, it is possible to get to 314 euros. These two offers are enticing and if indeed the order amount is smaller, it is possible to use a second coupon RAKUTEN-RSS0510C and it saves only 15 euros for a control 100 euros. Note that the two coupons can not be combined and you can use them until October 5.

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