PriceMinister, RueduCommerce, Cdiscount, which offers the best prices for the Samsung Galaxy S3 Trend Core and 4G in October 29?
On our website, we usually follow the evolution of the prices of smartphones and tablets most requested at the time. We treat first the new and high-end smartphones. Today we decided to change our habits. We’ll talk about the Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Trend and Core Samsung Galaxy 4G. Why we decided to monitor the prices of these phones? Simply because they are in high demand. The Samsung Galaxy S3 is a high-end smartphone that has two years. While technological innovations are very fast, the Samsung Galaxy S3 is far from being exceeded. A high-end smartphone under 200 €, it is proposed that the S3. Side and Trend Core Samsung Galaxy 4G, have the entry-level smartphones. One becomes very accessible (the trend) and the other is an excellent alternative for a cheap 4G smartphone.
Samsung Galaxy S3 – Trend – Core 4G Handsets: best prices to October 29
The Top best price of Samsung Galaxy S3
& gt; see all prices Samsung Trend
The Top prices of Core Samsung Galaxy 4G
& gt; see all prices Samsung Galaxy Core 4G
The best price with subscription Samsung Galaxy S3 – Trend – Core 4G
The Samsung Galaxy S3 is available with a subscription Virgin Mobile: from € 1
The Core Samsung Galaxy 4G is also available with a subscription Virgin Mobile : from € 1
Samsung Galaxy S3 / Trend / Core 4G: price changes
Samsung Galaxy S3 has a better advertised price of € 189 at Ticketmaster and RueDuCommerce . We advise you still making your purchase at RueDuCommerce that has shipping charges, less than half Ticketmaster. So you can buy your Samsung Galaxy S3 € 194.89 , including delivery.
Samsung Galaxy Trend is still sold in two shops. You’ll find the best price of € 91 Amazon Marketplace .
Core Samsung Galaxy 4G is found in the same situation as the Samsung Galaxy S3 . It
Join us next week to monitor the prices of Samsung Galaxy S3, and Core Trend 4G
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