Monday, October 6, 2014

We tested the Alpha Galaxy, Samsung’s answer to the iPhone – The World

The new Samsung includes the codes of the iPhone 6. Compact line carefully drawn size and metal materials

The World | • Updated the | By Nicolas Six

Samsung was tired of hearing the same criticisms. “Your high-end mobile are too large. Drawing their lack of taste, their plastics are cheap. “ The Galaxy Alpha silenced the critics once and for all. The Galaxy Alpha is a compact smartphone with style, wearing a metallic edge. It bridges the icy void of the Samsung range in this niche. All manufacturers, there are very few Android smartphones and compact premium. The Galaxy Alpha therefore timely

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Samsung has long fled the direct combat with Apple. What’s common between the impressive Galaxy S5 and elegant iPhone? With Alpha Galaxy, the Korean manufacturer finally enters the arena even compact, same screen as the iPhone 6 (4.7-inch) size, same emphasis on style as the iPhone 5, which it resembles strangely. Samsung has boldly synchronized the release of Alpha Galaxy with that of the new iPhone. The Korean manufacturer seems to address this message to the press: “You tested the iPhone, then try out the Alpha and you will tell us new …” A courageous attitude, perhaps even a little reckless. Samsung wants to challenge Apple in single combat? “Gentlemen, on hold. “

The Alpha Galaxy and iPhone.

easy on the hand

At first contact, one can not help but to smile: the metamorphosis is successful. We’ve dreamed of a Samsung premium on a human scale, easy to slip in your pocket; mobile compact enough to be operated with one hand.

The Galaxy Alpha has all these qualities. On the driver easily with one hand. The notification area is the only area of ​​the screen that can be accessed easily. You have to slide the phone in the palm to open it. This is not fatal: it is less often need access to this area than in other parts of the screen. The format of the Galaxy Alpha is ideal for mobile use. We can control the timing, phone and messages while walking and carrying a bag in the other hand. The lightweight Alpha Galaxy is a pleasure to handle. It provides a feeling of ease, unknown on the high-end Samsung.

Galaxy Alpha.

Apple however retain a great step ahead: iPhone 6 is more comfortable thanks to its amazingly soft rounded edges on hand. Tactile comparison is really not favorable to Samsung: iPhone feels like a flat pebble and lightweight, very natural in hand. The Galaxy Alpha is like a big Lego angular, harder and less enjoyable. Samsung is heavily inspired metallic contours of iPhone 4 and 5 During that time, Apple was his imagination to invent an innovative solution.

A unique look

If you want a simple mobile, simple, elegant, go your way: it is an Apple Store you need. The Alpha Galaxy departs from Apple style: he brings his own touch, more generous, more outgoing. The Galaxy Alpha is not the motive of chic elite, but rather the smartphone festive evenings Risquons a musical analogy. Though the iPhone was a mobile jazz, electro or rock, Samsung mobile is a pop, dance, hip-hop or

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The Alpha Galaxy is however a great aesthetic success. This is the first Samsung handset to turn heads for many years. Its metal rim is flattering irreproachable manufacturing quality and pretty buttons adjusted rigorously. The back cover of the Galaxy Alpha is plastic, it’s true. But Samsung has so much work that it does not shock plastic hardly. The Korean manufacturer seems to have invented a new color: fluorescent gray. The back cover of the Galaxy Alpha jumps to the retina

The screen of the Galaxy Alpha funds are in the same spirit. Explosive, colorful, oversaturated. Some will like it, others less. Know that you can choose wallpapers more relaxing and more readable. In passing, we take the opportunity to soften the display settings. For more natural colors and contrasts, follow this path: Settings & gt; Display & gt; Screen modes & gt; Photo Amoled.
shame that Samsung did not follow through momentum. Alpha Galaxy menus have not been redesigned. The icons on the home screen seem antiquated. Most applications deserve a really freshens. This is a small disappointment

Photo, Video. Okay

The Galaxy Alpha misses a step. His pictures are clearly less beautiful than those of the iPhone 6 Their colors are a little cold. Blue skies tend to turn white burned. In the evening, the Samsung smartphone supports less attenuation of light: images quickly become dark and blurry. Samsung enhances images to the extreme to give a great sense of clarity. Result: the stereotypes miss very smoothly. The Galaxy Alpha features a good camera, but the iPhone 6 is an excellent camera.

Side video, the picture is even more negative. Videos suffer from the same defects as the photos, plus an additional concern: their stability is poor. Images saccadent much when walking. To obtain sharp images, you have to stop and hold the mobile in a perfectly steady hand. Looking good in the menus, there is an image stabilization option. Once enabled, the image loses a lot of clarity. If you particularly like film, Galaxy Alpha is therefore not a good choice.

Note, the Samsung smartphone offers ultra-high definition video mode (UHD, aka 4K). Images are razor sharp. Owners of 4K TVs will appreciate, it’s probably the only video source they find to showcase the extreme resolution of their TV.

Uneven equipment

The heart of Alpha Galaxy is extremely fast. The games run even more fluid than on the Galaxy S5. Side communication, antennas are the latest generation: 4G + WiFi ac, Bluetooth 4.0 ANT. It will be years before the Galaxy Alpha is exceeded

Memory is comfortable.. 32GB But beware, it is not scalable. Impossible to slide a memory card in mobile. Most of us will be satisfied with this space, but it will be a problem for large consumers of video. Unable to store tens of DivX. Impossible to film over two hours of video (or forty-five minutes 4K).

The screen of Galaxy Alpha is a disappointing thing. High contrast and bright enough, it is quite readable in direct sunlight. But its display accuracy is indented. With a pixel density of 312 dpi (dots per inch), the Samsung smartphone is yet close to the iPhone (326 dpi). But its display technology is less precise (Pentile matrix). At 20 centimeters, we

begin to see the pixels. In practice, this penalizes above reading on the Internet, when the texts are very small. This is far from catastrophic, but on a mobile that price, it’s disappointing. In addition, this screen displays colors slightly tinted. White has a slight green hue, which will hamper the image professionals. Although, let’s face it, most of us barely notice.

The battery of the Galaxy Alpha is one final disappointment. An ordinary day, it is enough to power the mobile for the whole day. But when starting the move we risk failure on the return. It is well known transport deplete the batteries of mobile. Fortunately, Samsung has planned a parade.

saving mode energy, the screen turns monochrome. We no longer have access to only a handful of applications. But is this enough to read his messages. Note, you can also carry a spare battery because the battery is removable Alpha Galaxy.

Android somewhat simplified

Samsung has listened to the critics and working smarter. The home screen of the Galaxy Alpha is more sober and clean. The grouping the applications menu has been simplified to the extreme, to resemble that of the iPhone. All complex functions are hidden Android: creating widgets, screens or folders, sorting applications, etc. This is an excellent thing, Android is much easier to handle. The “multitasking” and “back” buttons are invisible, embedded in the front of the phone. They shine only when clicked. We can therefore use the Alpha Galaxy almost like an iPhone, using only the large central button to return to home.

Galaxy Alpha Android way.

The Galaxy Alpha remains a mere iPhone: alerts continue to rain in a notification area where everything is mixed. The quick shortcuts (WiFi, brightness, screen rotation) remain less functional than iPhone. Alpha on the Galaxy, all of which require more concentration. It is halfway between the Apple simplicity and complexity of Android. The average consumer should quickly feel at ease, never reaching relaxation and productivity procured by the iPhone. Virtuosos of the smartphone can be reassured: the Alpha Galaxy is simplified, but it does not lose the ability to customize Android; these are just a little hidden.

Gadgets surprise

The Galaxy Alpha is not a regular mobile Android. It embeds dozens of extras: software, functions, settings, that make a difference with its competitors. Most of these are designed more for show. They are spectacular, but useless everyday. They especially appeal to fans of gadgets, which will explore the long hours. This is what opposes Apple to Samsung: the California firm cultivates minimalism and functionalism, when Samsung develops a more festive and baroque approach to mobile

However, some additional features of Samsung serve a purpose, though. only for certain users. The fingerprint reader, for example, is very temperamental. Difficult to use it every day to unlock the mobile, as it effectively allows iPhone. But there is another use: to keep access to a protected and encrypted memory. You can store documents, pictures, messages in the secure storage area is unlocked with the fingerprint.


The pulse sensor is almost useless: it measures the heart rate, but no blood or heart curves. Nothing usable for Mr. All-the-world. However, if you practice an endurance sport at some level, you probably will.

The camera offers a dozen aid shooting tools. For example, the “beauty face” adorns the face in real time, with a little natural result, it is true. The “eraser” automatically removes unwanted pedestrians infect your landscape photos or monument. Musically, the “music square” function filters tracks by tempo or mood. Phone side, the “direct call” feature automatically starts the call when you see a card and you wear the handset to your ear. Etc. the list is very long. Everyone will find on the Galaxy Alpha useful, new and original function. Provided look far. It is the pleasure of smartphones Samsung: we never finished discovering their settings and functions. That will appeal to curious geeks and hackers. Note, all these gadgets a lot of memory. But some can now be deleted.


The Alpha Galaxy is a mobile calling. Its format is ideal for most of us: light, thin, comfortable in hand. Its metal rim and build quality surprised for Samsung. This is a very powerful and richly equipped mobile. It takes good pictures and filming videos correct. His menus are pretty simple: most of us will feel at ease. But in all these respects iPhone systematically slightly better. Even much better, simplicity and video quality side. Despite this, you may would be right to prefer the Galaxy Alpha. The small Samsung smartphone is distinguished by a more generous design, which some find less annoying than the iPhone. In addition, the Alpha Galaxy is equipped with Android core software which millions of French are accustomed to. Android is less simple, but does not require as many prohibitions and restrictions that iPhone. If you are driven by a strong spirit of independence, this is a sensible choice. If you like to explore the settings for hours, the Galaxy Alpha is for you. Samsung has added some software and tricks tens rarely really useful, but always fun to discover.

If your heart takes you to the Galaxy Alpha, please. Its price, 650 euros, is slightly lower than that of the iPhone. However, if this is your reason speaking, feel free to take a look at Sony. The compact Z3 is certainly not as attractive: heavier, thicker rimmed plastic, but its battery is twice more durable, he filmed videos considerably better and it’s waterproof. That may be a more rational choice.

The Galaxy and the Sony Alpha Z3 compact.


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