Saturday, October 11, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 / Note 3: where to buy the best price this … – News MeilleurMobile


The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and 3 are the two high-end Samsung phablettes. They interest you? Here’s where to find not expensive.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and 3 are the two high-end Samsung phablettes. they interest you? Here's where to find not expensive.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Note 3 elder is the flagship phablettes the Korean manufacturer Samsung. Their imposing size and power make even the two most popular market smartphones / tablets. Very few devices can currently compete with these models, including Note 4 which was sold last month. If their prices remain relatively high, however, it is possible to do good business. Here is why

Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Where to buy the best price

The first price of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 without package:

 Priceminister Samsung Galaxy Note 3  amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 3  Fnac Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: where to buy cheap

1st price of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 only :

 Amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 4  rueducommerce Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Boulanger Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Samsung Galaxy Note 3/4

Note: price changes

Not surprisingly, the price of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is stable. Which makes sense, it just came out. Amazon is the only site to offer the phablette for less than € 700 (€ 699 to be exact). Rueducommerce is not far at € 703.99. For comparison, the price can go up to € 759, near the Fnac , not less than 60 € more, which is a working day in SMIC. Yes

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 take out of her “little sister” to see fares drop. PriceMinister sells for € 435 . Amazon follows at 467 €, Fnac 489 €. These are the only sites to offer rates as competitive and stays a market reference phablettes .

Things to do on the weekend next to follow the developments in charges for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Note 4


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The latest addition to the band. KevinL is addicted to video games service. His ultimate dream? Hold the high global score Invader.

compulsive music lover, he claims that his brain has a better database than Shazam.

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