Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6: features, price, launch date … – MetroNews

The race for leapfrogging seems far from over to believe the latest rumors about the next Samsung Galaxy S6. According to the Android Headlines site, the future star of the Korean smartphone will be about what is best in all areas

Samsung Galaxy S6. A true concentrate of technology
A screen of 5.3 inches (5.1 on the S5) … ultra high definition. Yes, you read correctly, the Samsung Galaxy S6 could be 4K with a Super AMOLED screen and a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels (against 1920 x 1080 for the Galaxy S5). Obviously, to do him honor, it will take nothing less than a new super powerful chip, probably a Qualcomm Snapdrgon 810, associated with a 64-bit architecture and 4 GB of RAM (random access memory). This should allow the broadcast of 4K content on the screen of this little gem. Picture side, Android Headlines evokes a 20 megapixel sensor (16 MP on the Galaxy S5) and … a scanner iris of the eye. This would add new features to the phone and a system for securing the novel device.

A surprise for the operating system
Samsung Galaxy S6 will be there with Android Lollipop 5 or Korean will he finally put the finishing touches on the new Tizen OS? With a constantly postponed launch, you really start to doubt this possibility …

New look for a new life This is a
good news: Samsung, in line with its latest devices like the Galaxy Alpha (read our review), may limit the use of plastic (probably kept for the back though) and prefer the metal body of the smartphone. An expected by many choices that consider

the use of plastic – even good – on a high-end device like this was heresy. Especially since the competition (Apple, Sony, LG, Huawei …) favors the metal and glass.

Advanced launch date?
In line with Sony, which has moved to a launch range every six months, Samsung might want to follow this path and launch its new flagship smartphone earlier than expected (the S5 was launched in April 2014). For this, the Mobile World Congress is held annually in Barcelona in March (from 2 to 5 March 2015, specifically) could be the perfect place for a presentation in style. See you March 2

Price:. A high-end smartphone so expensive
There will be no sales in 2015! A priori, the Samsung Galaxy S6 should cost more or less the same price as its predecessor, the S5. The latter was launched at a price of 679.90 euros without subscription. S6 should be within this range of 650-700 euros. A very slight increase in the rate is not to rule, as the price of the iPhone 6 (available from 709 euros).


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