Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Galaxy A8 display 11 K, Note 5: Samsung’s stimulus package … – Les Echos

Samsung to revive. While its latest device flagship , the Galaxy S6, did not meet the expected success and the South Korean group sees its market share month after month settle in the smartphone sector – taken squeezed between the Premium monopolized by Apple and the low-end dominated by Chinese companies – projects and launches multiply the side of Seoul

Tuesday. Samsung has unveiled its new mobile terminal oriented mid-range: the Galaxy A8. Launched only in China for now, this unit should be created in Western countries until the end of the year. A response to sliding Xiaomi, Lenovo, Huawei to the mid-range or to the rise of a group such as OnePlus.

Equipped with a 5.7 inch screen diagonal for a thickness of 5.9 mm, this model is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 processor, 16 GB at of storage and 2GB of RAM. The Galaxy A8 has a 3050 mAh battery and a camera with a 16 megapixel sensor.

A display of 11K for the Olympics 2018

Last week, Samsung also announced it was working on the manufacture of a smartphone with a resolution of 11K it hopes to present at the 2018 Winter Olympics to be held in Peongchang (South Korea). It should not however be widely marketed before 2020.

An ambitious project since the definition 4K ( ie: 4K provides a definition of image four times larger than the full HD compatible televisions and installed base is more and more in France. This format is also called “Ultra-high definition” (UHD) and gradually won the public ) is just starting to happen on smartphones, like the G4, the latest top model from LG.

5 Galaxy Note in August?

If Samsung is

leading this development, 13 other companies the accompany him in his research and the South Korean government has also injected $ 26.5 million in this project. According to Electronic Times, such a resolution on such a fine screen (it should be 5 inches diagonally) could open the way for the 3D display without glasses.

Finally, to avoid any risk of collision with the 6S Apple iPhone to be presented in September, Samsung could launch its PHABLET the Note 5, to mid-August, Reuters understands. To cope with the smartphone firm at the apple, the group is also working on a “+” version of its Galaxy Edge.

Nicolas Richaud

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