Saturday, July 11, 2015

S7 Samsung Galaxy Nexus 5: Will they resist OnePlus 2 … – meltyStyle

Samsung Galaxy S7, Nexus 5, HTC One and now M9 OnePlus 2: competition starts to get rough on the side of Android smartphones. And while brands like Sony, began to withdraw from the market, some to invest 100%. This is particularly the case of the Chinese manufacturer OnePlus which will unveil in the coming weeks, the successor to the very successful OnePlus One, OnePlus 2 or OnePlus Two, a very large competitor to Samsung Galaxy Nexus S7 and 5. While OnePlus not the size of a Samsung or Google, the OnePlus 2 does not intend to make up the numbers on the market for Android phones. The data sheet OnePlus Two has indeed nothing to envy a Samsung Galaxy S7: with 4 GB of RAM, a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 64-bit 810 or USB-C connector, as on the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 5, the OnePlus 2 will make more than a dream. But the data sheet of OnePlus 2 is not even his best argument for competition to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus 5 S7 and others.

OnePlus has indeed begun to ” teaser “ around its OnePlus 2. And according to the Chinese brand, the smartphone will be equipped with a fingerprint reader that he promotes as “quicker than Touch ID” on the iPhone 6. rumor does not say much on his screen, but we expect a 5.5-inch screen, as on the current OnePlus One. But the biggest advantage of OnePlus 2 face S7 and Samsung Galaxy Nexus 5 is its price! The smartphone should be sold at a lower price to $ 450, or less than € 400. When you

know that the Samsung Galaxy S6 nine, slightly lagging against the iPhone 6, starts to 709 €, the price could help tip the balance in favor of OnePlus 2. OnePlus 2 should be as his predecessor, be available only at first invitation and should be available for sale from 27 July. OnePlus has its part to play.


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