Monday, July 20, 2015

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge + 5 and S6, will they look like? – 01net

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This is normally 12 August 2015 that Samsung should have the Galaxy Note and Galaxy 5 S6 + Edge. Meanwhile, the leaks are increasing their technical characteristics and supposed photos of the two devices unveil what could be their appearance.

A Czech site, Samsung Mania, posted a picture supposedly showing a prototype of the Galaxy Note 5. Contrary to what was assumed until now, this photo seems to say that the PHABLET will not have the look of a Galaxy S6. That said, perhaps it is just a 5 Galaxy Note in a “shell” hiding his true design

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Meanwhile the website All About Samsung presents Galaxy Edge + S6 alongside a Galaxy Note 4. Note and the first would have substantially the same size as the second


But the prize goes to the realistic 3D renderings made by Croatian graphic designer Ivo Marić based: <- block ventral image forced é ea 640px wide -> recent rumors about the Galaxy Note 5. It has a camera with a metal frame, a back glass without SD card slot

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And this is finally on the Chinese site Weibo that the photo of what could be the

stylus that PHABLET has emerged. One notices a button on top that could match the new ejection system patented by Samsung

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Of course nothing says that these reports and photographs reveal the actual appearance of the next two Samsung products, but they make you want to see more …


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