Friday, July 10, 2015

Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge More: Samsung wants to build on … – ZDNet – ZDNet France

If the Galaxy S6 does not allow Samsung to return to profitability, the South Korean giant intends to build on the segment it dominates most: that of phablettes. The salvation could indeed come next Galaxy S6 Edge Over and above the Galaxy Note 5, which should be presented very quickly.

It could well be unveiled in mid-August, earlier than previous versions said Friday a source familiar with the matter told Reuters. Or September, when the traditional appointment at IFA Berlin, where Samsung generally formalizes its PHABLET.

The Galaxy Note 5, should carry a Super AMOLED screen
 5.7-inch qHD (2560×1440 pixels) and
 new processor Exynos 7422. The eight cores will ship terminal NFC mobile payment solution, Samsung Pay, proven integration
  hint by the manufacturer. Moreover, as its predecessors,
 Note 5 should take particular care with battery autonomy
 4000 mAh against 3220pour the Note 4.

According to SamMobile,
  the PHABLET would feature the new USB Type-C whose main
 characteristic is reversible (works in both directions).
 Recall that Google hopes that this standard be generalized on
 Android smartphones. Besides charging, USB Type-C can also
 data transfer and DisplayPort toggle mode. For the rest, the mystery still full even if the stylus, rather useful for professionals uses, should always be waiting for you.

As for the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, it would be with a curved screen of 5.7 inches and six Snapdragon processor cores 808. According SamMobile it
 also propose a main image sensor with 16Mpx
 optical image stabilization, able to record videos at

If Samsung insists much on phablettes is that this segment is increasingly popular. According to a global study
  Accenture (23,000 consumers surveyed in 23 countries), among the
 57% of consumers who plan to equip it with a smartphone
 During the year, 48% will their choice on a PHABLET
 rather than on a conventional smartphone.

  this demand varies by country. Asian consumers
 appear to be most fond of this format since the rate reached 61%
 Indonesia 67% in India, 65% in China and 51% in South Korea. Same
 thing for emerging countries with 64% in Turkey or 48%
 for Brazil.

End 2014 GFK observed
  “Growth in sales volumes generalized to the entire
 world, including in France. ” The Hexagon also then? Yes I Do. Thus, in 2014, 1.5 million phablettes were delivered on
 territory, “which more than half only in the last quarter

 world, these

phones have a more than 5.5-inch screen have
 set a new record representing 12.8% of global quantities
 mobile. In Asia / Pacific, in the 4th quarter, this ratio reached 17.5%
 and sales volume has doubled in a year.

  GFK, no doubt, it should qualify this growth ”
 the irresistible rise. ” In Europe, however, margins
 development remain significant. Late last year,
 phablettes weighed just 6.4% of mobile sales.

It is
 half and globally. But this share has doubled yet
 compared to 2013. But how to explain this interest of consumers
  for a terminal with a large screen? His argument is precisely
 GFK ensures its size because it is “ideal for consumption
 content on the move. “

See also our page
Key figures: the Sales of mobile and smartphone


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