Sunday, March 20, 2016

Galaxy S7 Edge: the best camera smartphone – Le Journal du Geek

We were beginning to doubt very seriously, but the Galaxy S7 Edge turns well as the best camera in its class, that of smartphones. The latest ranking DxOMark confirms, if need be, the first class status of the latest addition to Samsung.

The Galaxy S7 Edge (and even if it does is not specified, the Galaxy S7 which shares the same optical) throne in the ranking of the best cameras to smartphones DxOMark.

the Edge S7 displays a score of 88, one point ahead of the Galaxy Edge S6 more Xperia Z5 and Sony (both 87). Samsung up two of its smartphones with a total of 86: 5 and the Galaxy Note Edge S6. . Both say a clean sweep for the manufacturer who invests heavily in quality optics of its devices

DxO simply notes a handful of defects in the S7 Edge: When the device is a light source tungsten kind, sometimes a yellow line appears. In very dynamic scenes, the very bright areas show less detail. But it really is not much face to the qualities of the smartphone camera. The video quality is also highlighted with a score of 88.

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