Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Huawei Mate S2: a curved screen to counter the Galaxy S7 Edge – Phonandroid

M uawei Mate S2 should be arriving in the second half of the year with a small surprise with the key as it would fit a dual edge curved screen to better counter the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.

If the Huawei Mate S gave a little like being there to make the public wait until the release of Mate 8 it might nevertheless be entitled to a successor. It is in any case seems to think the @Sun Changxu analyst after learning directly from the production lines. Furthermore, this new model would incorporate a super AMOLED curved screen , as is already the case of the Samsung Galaxy Edge S7 and Vivo XPlay 5 .

last month, one could already read that the curved screen of the Galaxy S7 Edge would be present on the next Xiaomi smartphone, Vivo and Huawei and a few days later formalized its Vivo XPlay 5 effectively with this screen. So we would not be surprised to see it put Huawei in turn. Especially since this is not the first time we read that the company is preparing a curved smartphone.

Note that this new model would be a little more as its predecessor since it would be expected at the price of 5000 yuan 4000 yuan against the first generation. A price no doubt justified by the curved screen that will also allow it to stand out in a market where all the high-end share almost the same technical characteristics.

Knowing the ambitions of Huawei who hopes to become market leader within

5 years, a model of this kind would probably welcome in its catalog. The question is what the next element of differentiation for manufacturers once the curved screens will be democratised.


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