Saturday, March 12, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7: two image sensors … and various clichés? –

History repeats: when all the press – including 01net – you talked about the Sony integrated in the new Samsung Galaxy S7 sensor, when you read the tests of this photo sensor performance – on 01net, of course! – Comes a bombshell to the taste of deja vu. As with his previous terminal Galaxy S6, Samsung deliver either its devices with a Sony sensor or sensor Samsung. A difference that could have an impact on the final image quality and therefore calls for your vigilance.

Launched in 2015, the Galaxy S6 we tested was equipped with a Sony IMX240, very good 16 Mpix sensor designed by Sony. Or whether for reasons of cost or production volumes, Samsung, which is also a (good) manufacturer of sensors, also equipped its terminals in home sensors, certainly like performance, yet lower than that of Sony .

Today in March 2016, when the device officially hits the stores, the Samsung electronics division reveals a sensor similar in all respects to the Sony model: definition of “only” 12.2 Mpix , 4/3 photosites 1.4 micron integrating the phase correlation. And some users of some Galaxy S7 alert already available on various forums that their device is not equipped with Sony sensor but this Samsung equivalent.

What impact on image quality?

– the two sensors of the Samsung Galaxy S6 results had approached, but the differences were noticeable.

Samsung is not a beginner in photo, far from it: even if its imaging division is being reorganized (with a probable halt to the sale of equipment), including its sensors that of NX1 are very good. But we must recognize that in the past, differences in image quality between Sony and Samsung sensor

equivalent in the Galaxy S6 were evident for the most seasoned eyes. When comparative pictures surfaced on the net or if we lay hands on a Samsung device with a sensor, we will publish a comparative test.

Do not worry, but photographers remain vigilant

unless you consider buying a first Galaxy S7 for its picture performance, there is no need to worry, Samsung should ensure a level almost equivalent quality, digital processing the image being there for much of the final quality of the files.

But most photographers among you would do well to wait to see what it really is: between the fiasco of the Snapdragon 810 last year and the differences in performance & amp; Independence American versions (Snapdragon 820) and European (Samsung Exynos 8890), a poor component could come shake our certainties.


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