Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Telegram: Stallman wants to kill Facebook, Galaxy S7 costs 255 … – Silicon

Richard Stallman wants to eradicate Facebook . The father of free software is not known to be a man of compromise. On the sidelines of a conference in Montreal, he said bluntly: “ must be eliminated to protect Facebook privacy ! ‘. And to explain this sentence: “ This is a perfectly calculated service to retrieve and collect a lot of data on people’s lives. This is a constraint space profile and profile individuals, which hinders their freedom, which necessarily leads to a loss of control over aspects of everyday life that is expressed in this location . ” A charge of Richard Stallman that could apply to other software “privateurs” (Microsoft, Apple). For him, the goal is to protect privacy, for without it, “ without the ability to communicate and exchange without supervision, democracy can not endure ».


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