Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is more waterproof than the iPhone 6s but … – Le Journal du Geek

Here are the results of the fragility test:

1. Water resistant? Yes ! Water proof? no. The S7 and S7 edge both survived 30 minutes of immersion in water, but the audio was degraded permanently. The iPhone 6s lost all audio functionality and water seeped in and damaged the screen, while the iPhone 6s More began to malfunction 10 minutes and died after 24 minutes.

2. The iPhone 6s is the most resistant after multiple drops: it is one that has the best view in the brewer robot and it is even the only one to have survived this test. S7 and S7 edge suffered significant damage on the rear wall while the screen had minor damage. The screen of the iPhone 6s Plus is completely broken.

3. sidewalk resistance? no ! Dropped on his corner since 180 cm, the S7 has cracked after 4 drops while the S7 edge was completely unusable after 7 falls. Dropped on the face, the S7 crashed at the first fall while the S7 edge broke the second fall.

4. twisted phones. In the twist test, the S7 edge experiencing the same performance as its predecessor, the S6 edge. Not only cracks 55 kilograms of pressure, but it undergoes catastrophic cracks 85 kilograms of pressure. The S7 withstand 85 kilograms of pressure, like the iPhone 6s.

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