Thursday, March 19, 2015

Galaxy Gear watches are no longer devices … but … – Frandroid

The World Customs Organization (WCO) decided earlier this week that connected watches such as the Galaxy Gear, Apple Watch and Smartwatch 3 are not watches but mobile devices . An important decision that will allow manufacturers to realize significant savings to the export of their products

 Samsung Galaxy--Gear2-630x354

Earlier this week met the main bodies of the World Organization of Customs under the Harmonized System Committee , a meeting for the purpose of deciding issues the different goods transported between the boundaries of the world. And on this occasion, a dispute between several countries has been decided, whether or not the connected watches such as the Galaxy Gear, Apple Watch or the Smartwatch 3 are watches or mobile devices . After a vote of the members of the organization, it was decided to 31 votes against 9 that these objects were not connected watches but mobile devices. A difference seemingly innocuous but which will allow different manufacturers to make millions of dollars in savings per year.

For many years, South Korea, the United States and Japan argued that Galaxy Gear should be categorized in a while an apparatus mobile, because of its ability to display notifications and connect to a smartphone. That refused India, Turkey and Thailand, who preferred to talk about watches. A name which

is important since these countries have significant tariffs (10% for India and 4% for Turkey) on watches that fall within their borders . A contrario , in most countries of the world, duties on mobile devices are often zero. According to the World Customs Organization, the first three devices have the name of mobile devices will be the Galaxy Gear, Apple Watch and Smartwatch 3 from Sony.

According to various Asian newspapers, this WCO decision will allow Samsung to save up to $ 13 million a year.


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