Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Galaxy Note 2 saves the life of a police officer – Numerama



 The Sophon Thonglorm Thai police sergeant is still alive, and he is partly to his phone. Thai Visa reports that the police officer was shot by a suspect on Monday but has been spared with its Galaxy Note 2, which served as a bulletproof. The ammunition crossed the phone that he was on the left side of its size, but it has been sufficiently constrained by Note 2 to limit the policeman injury.


 Having heard the news, which was widely circulated on social networks Thai, Samsung was quick to propose to the police graciously replace his Galaxy Note 2 destroyed by a brand new Galaxy S6, and even offer him the trip up ‘Bangkok to receive it in person. Any occasion is good for a marketing operation, which will certainly be duly photographed and filmed.


 The Galaxy Note 2 is however not the first mobile device to be used so bulletproof vest fortune. From 2007, we reported an iPod had saved the life of a soldier. In 2013, the owner of a HTC Evo 3D phone that had been so lucky.


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