Monday, March 16, 2015

The new BlackBerry tablet is a Galaxy Tab S – The Journal du Geek

After the monumental oven PlayBook was thought that BlackBerry was to be held quietly away from the tablet market. At MWC, the Canadian manufacturer has however indicated that finally he had nothing against the shelves.


And for proof, BlackBerry relaunches this sector … with a particular product because it is a Galaxy Tab S! The manufacturer does not count against trade BlackBerry OS Android, since this tablet is the fruit of work between SecuSmart (a branch of BlackBerry), IBM and Samsung.

SecuTABLET is intended for governments, agencies Security and companies who put safety first. The Galaxy Tab 10.5 S has been specially modified and includes software developed by the BlackBerry in this light. The tablet can be integrated within a SecuSUITE infrastructure.

This product is not going to appear on the shelves of mainstream stores, with its price of $ 2,380. But this is not the intended audience.

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