Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Samsung Galaxy Duos S6 carries two SIM cards – Le Journal du Geek

As expected, Samsung’s Galaxy S6 will decline in several models. There obviously has the Edge Galaxy S6 makes figure of pain and his screen version with curved on the edges, but that’s not all.


A Russian retailer has posted inadvertently one of the first versions of the Samsung’s flag bearer. This is the Galaxy Duos S6, with the particularity of having two slots for as many SIM cards. This is a classic emerging markets, and frankly it would be good that manufacturers offer this type of default function around the world.

This version, which we have heard in the past also has a price. of $ 893 (52,990 rubles) for 64 GB In the Russian market, the different models will be available from 16 April


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