unveiled with great fanfare on March 1, the Samsung Galaxy S6 is as the main competitor of the iPhone Outperforms 6. Does the Apple phone?
The match giants. During the presentation of her latest baby Galaxy S6, March 1, Samsung has been compared many times to the iPhone 6. And, of course, the confrontation was still running in favor of the Korean smartphone. But what is it really? Although it is not yet possible to test in detail the Samsung (it will be marketed April 10) some journalists who were able to handle the craft, have engaged in some small tests on the fly . First point compared: the quality of the camera. Clubic found that Galaxy S6 took “edge” on the Apple phone in low light conditions . Clubic is also convinced of the Korean ability to capture moving subjects, where the iPhone 6 has more difficulties. That said, although the Samsung embeds a significantly more powerful sensor on paper, including 16 megapixels against 8 “the game between the two phones is not so unbalanced that it” says specialized site. Slight advantage for the S6, then, but not obvious.
Other journalists have focused on the fingerprint reader. The S5, the previous model, but it sailed this technology was not well developed and many problems plombaient user experience. With the S6, Samsung seems to have corrected this by embedding an effective and responsive drive. Unblock smartphone with a finger becomes a breeze. However, in terms of responsiveness, the iPhone seems to keep a step ahead Another point of comparison. Pure performance. There is no doubt: the S6 vastly outperforms its US rival 8 cores processor, developed by Samsung itself, is the swift mobile market Especially since everything is coupled to the.. DDR4 RAM type, which is currently better. The chip Apple appears outdated, although it is still very effective.
remains a crucial point, the battery. Samsung promises a revolution in the field , including an express charge that would yield to 4 hours 10 minutes. And swears that her baby will fully charge much less time to recharge an iPhone 6. This time, only further tests will check for telling the truth …
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