Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Galaxy S6: a problem with the new screen … – Gentside

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Galaxy S6: false problem XE8 & #; me?

The Samsung Galaxy S6 viendrait- he to know her first blunder? On a video, we see that the next flagship smartphone market would be a problem on the contours of the screen

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No need to wait for its release about the first problems the Galaxy S6. The latest flagship smartphone from Samsung and its declination Edge would experience problems at the screen, depending on the site Actumeilleurmobile , which took over an Asian video.

Screen edges insensitive

The Asian terminal, which was only to receive praise, wipes his first critics. If the processor is a success, and the screen at the level of its definition and resolution, is considered of high quality, there would still be a downside. And the problem would be located where the smartphone noted: on its edges. In fact, part of the screen, the ends would be “insensitive” and does not take into account certain things.

A problem already present on other versions

What cause some problems in the operation of the terminal. Enough to dampen the enthusiasm around the Galaxy S6? According to the return of Samsung users, this dysfunction is not new, and it should not be paying much attention: it would interfere in any way with the daily use of the smartphone

The device may not recognize touch inputs near the edges of the screen”

Even better: this information is

specified in the user manual Samsung Galaxy S6. The Korean manufacturer refers to the fifteenth of this manual, which could be considered a problem: “The device can not recognize the touch input near the edges of the screen, which are outside the Touch input box. “

It is better to wait for the official release to see if the problem is real and see how it can be annoying.


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