Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Samsung Galaxy Note 7 takes fire in an aircraft, passengers … – The Parisian

Anear being reminded of not less than 2.5 million mobile phones Galaxy Note 7 due to risk of fire, Samsung is not at the end of the problems. An airplane of Southwest Airlines, providing the link between the Louisville (Kentucky), and Baltimore in the United States had to be evacuated on Wednesday, October 5 in the morning while the phone was starting to smoke.

Then he moved to the edge, Brian Green turns off his mobile phone after hearing the instructions of the crew and then slips it into his pocket. A few moments later, the device starts to heat up. He grabs her and throws it into the central passageway of the device. A smoke is “thick” is immediately evident from the Galaxy. A portion of the carpet will be burned.

If the 9 September, the us Agency for aviation had issued a statement “strongly recommending” to the passengers not to turn on their Samsung Galaxy Note 7, or the load in the aircraft, this new incident will probably put in a door to fake the Korean manufacturer.

Brian Green explained to the american site The Verge have bought the Galaxy Note 7 to the 21 of September, that is to say, after the recall of the first phones to be defective. A black square on the box of the smartphone meant that it was part of a new

batch of replacement. When it caught fire, the unit had 80% of its battery. In addition, Brian Green has assured him that he had always complied with the instructions for charging the battery with a wireless system.

A spokesman for Samsung said in a statement Wednesday that the company would recover the device to know the causes of this fire to start before you give any more information.

By chance this incident occurred on the tarmac of the airport. The seventy passengers have been evacuated. No person has been injured. And little later, the aircraft was able to perform normally its volume

For his part, Brian Green said will be rushed into a shop and go buy an iPhone 7.


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